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Wix AdSense not showing on published site fix!
Hey fellow Wix-users.
Maybe some of you noticed the problem where your ads are not showing
through the Google adsence app (by Wix website builder) on you published site.
I have searched long and hard for an answer but I couldn't find it,
neither could the helpdesk.. Until now ! (I found it)
First of all, it is important that Google verifies and approves your website.
But even after the approval my ads weren't showing,
you could only see the empty boxes where they were supposed to be.
(you can see this by selecting everything on your published site - "ctrl + A").
The solution is super easy:
Everytime you want to "activate" a new add, that you added through the
Wix AdSence app, ( "activate = to make it visible on live site" )
you have to disconnect your Google account and connect it once more
with the Wix AdSense app, using an other new add!
I do not know why, but you need to add another new ad,
somewhere on one of your pages,
and in the settings menu of this new one,
you have to disconnect the Google account and then re-connect it again.
See pictures. ( video comming soon )
By doing so, even my ads that I published a couple of months ago,
were showing up on my published site!
Hope it helped.
If so please leave a comment! ( or share )
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